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Mystery Shopper Project

Christmas Opening Times

Time2Talk will close for the Christmas period on the 24th December at 12noon and we will reopen in the New Year as normal from 10am Tuesday 4th January.

If you feel you need to talk to someone over Christmas you can call Samaritans on 116 123 or Childline on 0800 1111.  Both numbers are free and available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Everyone here at Time2Talk would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and happy New Year!


Espresso Yourself

We're delighted to announce Time2Talk will be running our very own emotional wellbeing cafe, Espresso Yourself, as part of a collaboration with our REACH partners.

It will run Saturday 12 noon-4pm, beginning 20th November!

Accessibility Statement for Time2Talk

This accessibility statement applies to 

This website is run by Time2Talk and we want it to be accessible to as many users as possible.  This means you should be able to:

  • Zoom in up to 300% and be able to read the text
  • Navigate most of the website using just a keyboard

However, we are aware that there are some parts of this website that are not fully accessible, so this means you may not be able to:

Free HIV Testing Kits

Throughout June, anyone from Northamptonshire aged 16 and over will be able to access a free HIV testing kit. 

The kit will be posted to you, the test and results will remain confidential and you can receive you results via your chosen method.  For more information please visit  

Early Evening Drop-In

Time2Talk will be open between 5:30 and 8:00pm on Mondays beginning March 2nd for an initial 6 week trial.  You can call in for information resources on how to help deal with stress and anxiety and other issues that might be affecting your emotional wellbeing.  Please note these are not therapy sessions.  No appointment needed.

Alongside this, our other drop-in services are available for those aged 24 and under including access to free condoms, pregnancy testing and the new single Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea test.

Crisis Cafe for Young People

Young Carers Awareness Day 2020

30th January will be Young Carers Awareness Day which aims to provide informaton and raise awareness of the diffcult challenges that many young carers across the UK face.  

Mental Health Day 2019

Thursday 10th October will be Mental Health Day and it is an important chance to raise awareness of the mental health issues that many people face.

2019’s theme is suicide prevention. It is estimated that 800,000 die each year through suicide, with many more attempts, and it is the leading cause of death of 20-34 year olds in the UK, yet it can be avoided.  Talking about mental health and suicide can remove the taboo that still surrounds it and can encourage those who are feeling suicidal to get help.


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Opening Times

  • Monday – Friday ~ 10:00am – 5:30pm
  • Saturday ~ 10:00am -4:00pm 
  • Sunday Closed

Please note that that Time2Talk drop in can be accessed between the following times:

Monday - Friday ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday ~ 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday ~ Closed

Urgent Support

Please be aware that Time2Talk is not an emergency service, if you ever find yourself in an emergency or are worried about your, or another person's safety, always call 999. 

Additionally, If you ever need immediate emotional support there are a number of organisations, helplines and resources you can access:

Other Help.

For other, non-urgenry support, please contact:

  • Young Minds: Text YM to 85258
  • Young Minds parents helpline: 0808 802 5544
  • The Mix: 0808 808 4994 - If you are under 25, you can also use their crisis messenger text service
  • SANEline: 0300 304 7000 - If you are experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else (4:30pm - 10:30pm every day).
  • Papyrus HOPELINEUK: 0800 068 4141 or text 07786 209 697- If you are under 35 and struggling with suicidal feelings or concerned about a young person who might be (Weekdays 10am - 10pm, weekends 2pm - 10pm)
  • CALM (Campaign against Living Miserably): 0800 58 58 58 - If you identify as male (5pm - midnight every day).
  • Nightline: If you are a student, you can check the Nightline website to see if your university or college offers a night-time listening service.
  • Switchboard: 0300 330 0630 - If you identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (10am - 10pm every day) also offer a webchat service


Donations and Supporting Time2Talk

Time2Talk is always in need of funding, we work very hard to maintain our services and are very appreciative of any support.

If you live within the Daventry District or South Northamptonshire areas and are interested in making a donation or would like to find out more about us before deciding, you can either ring or just drop in to see us.

We do not have the facilities to receive donations via credit or debit card. Cheques are the preferred method and you shall always be given a receipt.  All donation are acknowledged, unless otherwise noted.

Gift Aid is a way to increase the value of monetary gifts from UK taxpayers by claiming back the basic rate tax paid by the donor. It can increase the value of donations by a quarter at no extra cost to the donor. For further information on how to Gift Aid It click here and continue helping the Young People of Daventry & South Northants.



As of 25th May 2018 new GDPR regulations come into effect.  Time2Talk have always taken our responsibility towards data protection very seriously.

Any information we obtain from you is treated in the strictest confidence (unless there is a safeguarding concern inline with our confidentiality policy) and will be used to provide you with a counselling service.

We are also required to submit data that is annoymous to our funding bodies to monitor and evaluate our service.  it will not given  out to any other third parties or used for marketing.

Any data we do hold about you belongs to the you and not us. We will not be able to hold any data without the individual giving us explicit consent.

We will only collect the minimum amount of data needed.

We will be clear towards the individual why we keep their data and what we do with it.

Any data we keep will need to be up to date and we will only keep it for so long as needed.